The ENA Policy on hot weather Edinburgh temperature at 4:00pm from www.bom.gov.au/sa/observations/adelaide.shtml.
Senior Competition - when temperature is 37 degrees or higher at 4:00 pm all matches will be
cancelled, except finals.
When the temperature is between 34 and 36 degrees matches will be reduced to 12 minutes
Junior Competition - when temperature is 37 degrees or higher at 4:00 pm all matches will be
cancelled, except finals.
When the temperature is between 34 and 36 degrees games will be delayed by 15 minutes.
Sapphires Netball Club hot weather policy permits us to cancel training in temperatures above 34
degrees at 4pm.
Please contact your coach if you are in doubt about whether there will be training or matches, it is
much easier for you to make one call then the coach making many calls.
Please remember to drink plenty of water before, during and after netball to avoid dehydration.
This is a friendly reminder that Sapphires Netball Club has a Code of Conduct, and as members, you are bound to abide by this code.
Many of our members are using Facebook or other social media to share/discuss their netball experiences. This is a great way to socialise and to get to know the other members in your team/club, however please keep your comments positive and non-offensive. To make derogatory comments about another player, team, umpire, club or official is a breach of our Code of Conduct and is unacceptable behaviour.